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What Is Affiliate Marketing?

In our topic, find out what affiliate marketing is, how it works, and how you can start your profitable online adventure today.


Affiliate marketing is a popular way to earn money online that allows individuals and companies to generate income by promoting other people’s products or services.

This form of marketing is based on collaboration between sellers and affiliate partners.

affiliate marketing schema

Affiliate partners receive a commission for every successful sale or action they generate through their promotion.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliate marketing begins when a seller or a company that owns a product or service establishes a partnership program.

affiliate program

Affiliate partners then apply to participate in the program and receive unique affiliate links or codes.

These links or codes track the traffic and sales generated by each affiliate partner.

When an affiliate partner promotes a product or service, they use their unique affiliate link or code.

If a visitor clicks on that link or uses that code and performs the desired action, such as purchasing a product, the affiliate partner earns a commission based on the agreed-upon terms.

Advantages of Affiliate Marketing

  1. Passive income: Once you set up your affiliate links and content, it is possible to generate income even when you are not actively promoting the product or service.
  2. Low initial costs: You do not need significant initial capital to enter affiliate marketing. Typically, having an online presence and time for promotion is sufficient.
  3. Flexibility and freedom: Affiliate marketing allows you to work from home or any location with internet access. You can work at your own pace and choose the products or services you want to promote.
  4. Product diversity: There is a wide range of products and services to promote in affiliate marketing, so you can choose what best suits your interests or target audience.

How to Become an Affiliate Partner?

To become an affiliate partner, the first step is to find relevant affiliate programs.

You can do this through affiliate marketing platforms or by directly contacting companies whose products or services you want to promote.

After finding the appropriate program, follow the registration and application steps.

Upon acceptance into the program, you will receive your unique affiliate links or codes to use in your promotion.

It is important to create quality content and build trust with your audience to increase your chances of success.

How to Choose the Right Affiliate Program?

When selecting an affiliate program, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Relevance of the product or service to your target audience
  2. Commissions and payout terms
  3. Quality of the product or service
  4. Support and tools provided by the seller
  5. Result tracking
affiliate analitycs

It is important to choose an affiliate program that aligns with your interests and goals and allows you to maximize your earnings.

Strategies for Successful Affiliate Marketing

  1. Selecting the right niche: Focusing on a specific niche allows you to better understand your target audience and provide relevant content.
  2. Quality content: Build trust with your audience through high-quality and informative content. Offer value and solutions to your audience’s problems.
  3. Diverse promotion: Use various channels and platforms for promotion to reach a larger audience.
  4. Tracking results: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of your promotions to identify what works best and adjust your strategies.

Measuring Success and Tracking Results

It is important to track the results of your affiliate marketing to identify what is effective and what needs improvement.

analitycs results

Using analytical tools and tracking key performance indicators, such as the number of clicks, conversions, and earnings, will help you optimize your promotions.

Most affiliate platforms have robust analytics that allows you to track how many people have used your link, made a purchase, and how much and when you earned.

When Do You Get Paid?

Here are a few payment methods in affiliate marketing:

  1. Pay-per-click (PPC): In this model, an affiliate partner earns money every time a visitor clicks on the affiliate link and is redirected to the seller’s product or service website. The fee is typically based on the number of clicks or ad impressions.
  2. Pay-per-Lead (PPL): In this model, an affiliate partner earns money when a visitor, through the affiliate link, performs a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, filling out a form, or downloading free content. The affiliate partner receives a commission for each successful lead generated.
  3. Pay-per-Sale (PPS): This is one of the most common payment models in affiliate marketing. An affiliate partner receives a commission or a percentage of the sale price when a visitor who arrives via the affiliate link purchases a product or service. The commission is typically based on the sales value percentage.
  4. Cost-per-Mille (CPM): In this model, an affiliate partner earns money based on the number of ad impressions. Each time an ad is displayed one thousand times (CPM), the affiliate partner receives a set fee, regardless of whether the visitor takes any action.
  5. Cost-per-action (CPA): In this model, an affiliate partner earns money only when a visitor takes a specific action, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a service, or downloading an application. The affiliate partner receives a commission only for specific actions they generate.

If the advertisement is targeted only to certain countries, then only users from those countries will bring you income.

Affiliate platforms, for some products, offer a recurring commission.

This means you will earn a commission not only when a potential customer makes a purchase but also from all their future purchases within a specified period.

Effective Ways to Promote Products

checking affiliate results on PC
  1. Blogging: Starting a blog allows you to create relevant content and connect with your audience through your affiliate links.
  2. Social media: Harness the power of social media to promote products and services through your profiles and groups.
  3. Email marketing: Build a subscriber list and send them information about relevant products or services through emails with affiliate links.
  4. Video content: Creating video content on platforms like YouTube allows you to connect with your audience visually and attractively.
  5. Reviews and recommendations: Write honest reviews of the products or services you are promoting and make recommendations to your audience.

Related: How to create a free website on Google Sites?

Related: How to create a landing page?

The Importance of Building Trust

Building trust is crucial in affiliate marketing.

It is essential to familiarize yourself with the products you are offering.

Do not let the trust you have established with your customers be destroyed because of a poor-quality product.

We all know the saying that a good reputation travels far and wide, but a bad one travels even farther.

Biggest Affiliate Services

If you have your blog or website, one way to monetize your efforts is through Google AdSense.

Google AdSense logo

If you have more than a thousand monthly views and quality content, you can apply for the Google AdSense service.

Google will review your website and determine if it is suitable for displaying ads.

Once you pass this stage, you’ll need to insert a piece of code into your server to start displaying ads.

You must provide all relevant information to Google, choose a payment method, and link everything through Google Analytics.

You’ll receive a code at your address (within two weeks) that you need to enter into a specific form to verify your address.

Payments are monthly, but only if you’ve earned more than $80.

Ad Now

AdNow is a service similar to Google AdSense and has been gaining popularity recently.

AdNow logo

AdNow has lower criteria compared to Google, so you can apply with lower monthly traffic.

Of course, with lower traffic, your earnings may be lower, and you might receive less for displaying ads.

AdNow essentially places three ads where one would typically be, increasing the likelihood of viewers engaging with more advertising content at a lower cost.

Amazon Associates

One of the largest platforms where you can become an affiliate is Amazon.

Amazon Associates logo

Although many are not aware of this option, Amazon has a dedicated section where you can sign up and become an affiliate.

After a thorough registration process, you’ll be able to download advertising links and share them.

You can share links or insert a code if you have a website.

The commission per product sold may not be high, but the number of products is virtually limitless, offering the potential for steady earnings.

Related: How to Become an Amazon Associate?

AliExpress Partner Program

The AliExpress Partner Program, also known as the AliExpress Affiliate Program, is a way for individuals or companies to earn commission by promoting AliExpress products.

AliExpress logo

The program supports over 200 countries and regions, with up to a 9% basic commission rate (up to 90% for Hot Products).

They also provide promotional materials such as tracking links, sales banners, and sales themes. 

Publishers are also given access to useful tools and reports to keep track of data and develop marketing strategies.

Related: What is AliExpress and How to Become Their Partner?


ClickBank is a leading global retailer and affiliate marketplace.

Clickbank logo

Here’s how it works:

  1. Affiliate Solutions: ClickBank provides a platform for affiliates to build their business by promoting products. They offer support for media buyers, email marketers, and other types of affiliates.
  2. Seller Solutions: Product owners and sellers can grow their business with affiliates on ClickBank. E-commerce brands can grow their affiliate programs and acquire new customers with ClickBank.
  3. Resources: ClickBank provides resources for both affiliates and sellers. These include guides on how to get started, how to make money online, how to create an affiliate program, and more.
  4. Tools and Integrations: ClickBank offers tools, services, and software that integrate seamlessly with their platform.

It empowers entrepreneurs and brands across the globe to grow, scale, and reach customers like never before.

Related: Complete Description of the ClickBank Platform


Digistore24 is a reseller-based online sales platform for vendors and affiliates. 

It’s an all-in-one digital sales platform and international affiliate network.

digistore24 logo

Here’s how it works:

  1. Integrated Online Store: Digistore24 offers an integrated online store, an affiliate network, all common payment methods, and accounting automation including tax automation.
  2. Affiliate Network: It has one of the largest international networks and lets professional affiliates market your products.
  3. Automated Sales: You can set up your sales process and run it on autopilot.
  4. Analytics and Statistics: Grow your business by identifying trends through real-time data in the Business Cockpit and getting applicable insights in Digistore24 Analytics.
  5. Conversion Optimization: Test, evaluate, and optimize your entire sales funnel like a pro to maximize your earnings and increase your revenue.

Digistore24 enables vendors to sell digital products, selected physical products, services, events, and seminars.

Signing up is free, and you only get paid when your promotion results in a sale.

They also offer commissions of up to 85% on their marketplace.

Related: Digistore24: How to make money by advertising other people’s products?


CPAlead is a leading global network that connects mobile app advertisers with anyone who has mobile traffic.

CPA Lead logo

Here’s how it works:

  1. App Installs: CPAlead provides installs for Android and iOS apps by connecting mobile app developers and CPI networks with their 1,750,000 publishers.
  2. Make Money: When your users install an app, you make money – it’s really that simple!
  3. Mobile Ad Networks: They provide hundreds of CPI offers to mobile ad networks via their API.
  4. Start Earning!: Create a CPI campaign for your mobile app and start seeing installs the same day.

Since 2006, CPAlead has paid out over $100 million to mobile app developers and website owners in over 180 countries.

Their reputation as the #1 CPA and CPI marketplace is public and undisputed.

A complete description of this platform will follow soon.

Recommendations for Successful Affiliate Marketing

  1. Focus on providing quality content and value to your audience.
  2. Understand the needs and desires of your target audience.
  3. Be patient and persistent; affiliate marketing takes time and effort to achieve success.
  4. Continue to learn and improve your affiliate marketing skills.

Frequently Asked Questions


Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative source of additional income for several reasons.

It requires minimal initial investment, offers flexibility and freedom to work from anywhere, and provides the opportunity to promote a wide range of products or services.

With dedication, strategic promotion, and the right partnerships, affiliate marketing can indeed be a valuable income stream.

All the platforms mentioned here will be thoroughly described on the blog.

Suggested reading

Benable – Earn by recommending products

Mavely: Unique Platform for Creators, Buyers, and Brands


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