Digistore24:Unlocking Earnings through Promoting Others’ Products

This article will explore how you can utilize Digistore24 as a platform to generate income through affiliate marketing.

Digistore24 is a global marketplace for digital products that enables manufacturers, suppliers, and resellers to offer their products in one place.

Whether you are an end-user or a manufacturer, this online service allows you to find the right product at the right price.

Through this article, you will learn how to become an affiliate marketer on Digistore24 and start earning through this platform.

What is Digistore24?

Before delving into the details of affiliate marketing on Digistore24, it is important to understand the platform itself.

digistore24 logo

Digistore24 represents an online marketplace for digital products that allows manufacturers to offer their products and enables others to promote and sell them.

This platform facilitates access to various digital products, such as e-books, online courses, software applications, and many others.

For anyone seeking the right platform for affiliate marketing, Digistore24 offers plenty of opportunities.

Whether you are an end-user or a manufacturer, this website makes it easy to find the right product at the right price.

This article will provide you with insights on how to start with affiliate marketing on Digistore24.


  • Computer or mobile device
  • Internet connectivity
  • Cost: Free

How to Become an Affiliate Marketer on Digistore24?

To begin your affiliate marketing journey on Digistore24, you will first need to become an affiliate merchant. Here are the steps you need to follow:

To start earning from affiliate marketing on Digistore24, you will first need to become an affiliate marketer.

You can do this by signing up for the affiliate program on the website.

You can sign up for the affiliate program directly from the Digistore24 dashboard.

After reading the introduction at the bottom of the page, you will see the “Start now” option.

A panel will open where you will select the first option as an affiliate because you are offering to advertise products.

digistore24 registration

Filling in Personal Information

Fill out the form with basic information such as your email address, password, personal information, address, country, and phone number.

Email Address Confirmation

After completing the form, check your email address and follow the instructions for confirmation.

Account details

Under the “Account > Details” option, you will need to specify the language, the currency in which you will be paid, and the time zone.

digistore24 account details

Tax Number Entry

If you are a VAT payer, enter your VAT number in the appropriate field. Otherwise, this question will be relevant only to legal entities and sole proprietors.

In the account details, you will also have the option to enter a tax number.

digistore24 tax number

Configuring Payment Method

Payout account

Under the “Account > Payout Account” option, set payout dates (up to twice a month), with a minimum payout amount of around 50 Euros.

digistore24 payout account

You will also choose the payment method, which can be PayPal or bank transfer.

Selecting Products and Generating Affiliate Links

Once you have successfully become an affiliate merchant on Digistore24, it’s time to choose the products you want to promote and generate your affiliate links.

Here are the steps to follow:

Browsing the Marketplace

On Digistore24, you can find various categories of products (under the title Marketplace). Choose a category in which you have knowledge or experience.

Popular products will be marked with yellow stars, indicating their popularity.

Under “Commission,” you can see the commission you can earn from selling that product.

Under “Cart conversion,” you can see the percentage of people out of 100 visits who made a purchase.

digistore24 digital products

The Cancellation rate is the number of canceled orders in a period.

This number should be as low as possible.

Billing types

You can choose products not only by categories but also by the ways they bring you earnings.

digistore24 billing types

It can be a one-time payment, registration only, or program installation.

Accepting Products for Promotion

At the end of each product, you have the “Promote now” option.

By pressing this button, you will either immediately receive approval for promotion or be notified that the process is in progress, which can take about 24 hours.

When the promotion is approved, you will receive your promo link.

digistore24 get affiliate link

You can write it down or save it in a text document.

Tracking Results Through Analytics

Digistore24 has a well-developed analytics system.

digistore24 analytics-tracking results

Under “Reports > Analytics,” you can track the number of activations of your links, the number of sales, and the total commission you have earned.

Returns by customers for any reason will also be recorded, so that is something to keep in mind.

How and Where to Share the Promotional Link?

Promotional links cannot be shared directly on social networks, forums, and similar platforms.

This is why landing pages are created.

Their role is to create short content and offer products with promotional links.

You then lead customers to your landing page, which you can share on social networks, forums, and similar platforms.

That’s why we described how to create a free website where you can share them.

This page must have some content and added value if you want it to succeed.

Promotional links can also be shared via emails, and a complete description is coming soon.

You can create a landing page for free and easily on a new platform dedicated only to this purpose.

Clickera: A Fast and Easy Marketing Platform

Generating Traffic

Whichever version of a landing page you create, you will need to attract potential customers.

Sharing on social networks and other websites will bring you organic (natural) traffic.

Achieving this requires consistent effort over a period of time.

You can expedite this process by promoting it on Google Ads and Facebook Meta, and you will be able to see the traffic almost instantly.


You can earn a good amount of money by advertising and selling other people’s products.

Affiliate marketing is not a very difficult task.

You only need to promote a product you like, and if someone buys it through your link, you earn a commission.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind while promoting Digistore24 products:

  1. You must make sure to follow the terms of service and guidelines issued by Digistore24.
  2. You must make sure not to deceive your audience.
  3. Review the products that are offered. If you feel like you would never buy it, don’t offer it to others.

The platform has more options, but not all can be listed here.

While we believe that we explain some processes quite well, some parts may be unclear to someone.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via messages or the official email address.

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How to start with affiliate marketing

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