Benable: Revolutionizing Profit Generation by Sharing Your Products

Benable is a platform that enables you to share your opinions about products and earn money.

If you’ve always followed new products and apps, now it’s possible to monetize that trait of yours and earn by recommending products.

You can share your suggestions with your group or friends on social networks.

What is Benable?

The Benable service was created about a year ago.

Benable logo

The service itself is a partner with more than 35,000 companies that sell products and services, including Amazon, Etsy, Canva, Walmart…

Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C. region, and has members all over the world.

How does Benable work?

You create a profile on this platform and make a short post and review about a product that you have used and know to be good.

If one of the visitors is interested and makes a purchase thanks to your review, you will earn a certain amount.

Membership on this platform is free and Benable does not take any percentage of your earnings. But you can access this service only by invitation!

Registration on Benable

When you come to the website, you can read a detailed description of this service, and by pressing Sign up, you start creating a profile.

Benable sign up

You can choose the classic way of creating an account by entering a name, email address, and password, or logging in using a Google or Facebook account.

Benable create your free account

If you use the classic method, you will receive a confirmation message to your email address.

Enter the code

The next thing you have to do is enter the pin. You will get him when you are called and it may take some time.

If you want to access it immediately you can also use my code

Benable add code

My code is B83RK and you can also use the link without the code.

Then choose a username and type it.

Benable add username

You will be able to replace him later if necessary.

Insert a picture and add profiles on social networks

This will take you to a panel where you have to enter an image or logo.

Benable profile photo

And right after inserting the profile picture, you can write the username you have on Instagram and TikTok.

Benable add socials and bio

Welcome message after you have filled everything in correctly.

But that’s not all, because you have to enter your first recommendation.

Benable welcome screen

Creating lists and recommendations

After creating a profile, you will see lists in which categories others have already left their recommendations and reviews.

Benable lists

Also below your profile picture, you will see a panel with your list which is still empty.

Click on Create your first list to start creating your first list.

create your first list

Replace My new list with your new name.

For example, I created a new list and named it “Nike shoes and Snickers”.

Benable add name for your new list

A new list will have a name but will still be empty.

Benable New list created

Click on the middle of the empty list.

A new window will open where we place items on the list.

There you will also see all the items on that list.

By pressing the +Add button, you will add an item to the list.

add article on list

When you start writing the name of the product, all the products that Benable has in its database will be listed under that term.

You will choose a product by starting typing a keyword or link.

Enter keywords or name of the product

From a drop-down menu select a product with the desired name.

If the product is not in the database, you can also insert your link to that product.

When you choose the name of the product, you will also have to choose its image.

You may sometimes be offered more images if it is a program or application.

Select picture for your product

Just click on the image to add it to the card.

In the same way, you can remove the image by clicking on it.

In the end, by pressing on Add note, it is necessary to write a short note about why you are recommending that product or application.

describe article

Of course, it is possible to rename lists as well as add new products to a specific list.

I suggest grouping similar products on the same list.

Benable add more lists and products

Sharing the list

By clicking on the list (three dots in the right corner) you can choose the option to share the list.

You can do this after there are more products on the list.

share list with friends

There is an option to share the link as well as an invitation via email address to share the list with friends.

Cover photo

In addition to your picture or logo, clicking on the space above will open a window where you have to enter a picture(cover photo) that will represent your profile.

Benable cover image

This image should be 1000×220 pixels, and it is the easiest and fastest way to create it in Canva.

Follow other authors!

In the beginning, you must follow other authors because they will follow you too.

Benable followers

This rule applies to almost all services and social networks.

Inviting friends

At the very top of the page, there is an option “Invites.”

call a friends

After opening it, you will find a link and your code through which you can invite your friends to create their profiles and lists.

Benable earnings

Earnings will depend on the commission on certain products, how many people you managed to invite and the number of articles you published on your profile.



On Benable a large number of users come every day.

When you make more lists, there is a great possibility that someone will buy the product through your recommendation.

The commission for the product sold in this way depends on the company you are advertising and the price of the product, and it usually ranges from 3-10%, and for some up to 50%.

The payment is to a PayPal account and you can pay out the Benable earnings after collecting $80.

As with all platforms so far, it takes a certain amount of time to get everything up and running and we can speed it up by sharing on social networks.

The reason why I recommend this service is the constant growth of visits, which means more income for members.

Benable number of visits

What Benable allows is that if you already have a product of your own, you can also insert a link to that product.

I hope that in this post I have described well how to make money on Benable.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments below the post or share your Benable experience.

And of course please rate how useful this post was for you!

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