How to start with Mailchimp?

Introduction to Mailchimp Email Processing Service

In this blog post, I will guide you through everything you need to know about starting with Mailchimp.

What Is Mailchimp?

Mailchimp is one of the world’s best tools for automating email marketing.

mailchimp logo

It’s designed for small businesses, bloggers, and non-profit organizations looking to grow their audience and drive sales through regular communication with their subscribers.

It enables you to create and send regular emails and manage your email list.

It also comes with a range of features that make it easy to track your results, test your emails, and improve your performance.

Mailchimp also integrates with various other online tools, making it easier to add new subscribers to your email lists.

Mailchimp registration

Registration starts with the classic entry of email address, username, and password.

mailchimp registration

You’ll receive a message at the provided email address to activate your account.

mailchimp email validation

This will take you back to Mailchimp where you’ll input some additional data.

Choosing a plan

I’ve opted for the free option.

This free option allows you to have 500 active contacts and send 2500 email messages monthly.

Mailchimp choosing a plan

Of course, you can always upgrade the plan if needed.

Personal Information

After selecting a plan, you need to input your name, company, and phone number (not mandatory but recommended).

Mailchimp input personal data

Then you will add street, city, province or region, postal code, and country.

Mailchimp address input

That should cover the registration, but the service may pose additional questions that aren’t obligatory to answer.

Firstly, what do you aim to achieve using Mailchimp?

what do you aim to achieve using Mailchimp

Then, how many newsletter subscribers do you currently have?

Of course, since you’re just starting, you won’t have any yet.

how many newsletter subscribers do you currently have?

How do you intend to sell to your customers?

How do you intend to sell to your customers?

Here, you have four options: through your online store, another service like Etsy or Amazon, in-person, or no intention to sell.

While it’s good to complete this brief survey, if you prefer not to answer, simply hit the Skip button.

Connecting to your company website

On this panel, you can input your website or company address, and Mailchimp will automatically fetch your logo, colors, and fonts used to maintain consistency.

input your website or company address

You can also choose to receive updates on new features from Mailchimp.

receive updates on new features

Congratulations, your registration on Mailchimp has been completed.

Importing contacts

Upon the first screen after registration, you’ll notice that you don’t have any contacts yet.

If you have an existing contact list, you need to select ‘Add contacts.’

mailchimp Audience manage contacts

Through the ‘Import contacts’ option, you’ll input your contacts.

Mailchimp import contacts

You can input data in multiple ways.

select way to import contacts

Import from another service

I’ll explain this option when we connect Mailchimp to another service.

Upload a file

Here, you choose a CSV file typically used to store email contacts.

For instance, you can save all existing contacts from a Gmail account into a CSV and then upload them here.

You can also use a plain text file, but email addresses must be separated by commas for the input to be correct.

Copy and paste

This is the lengthiest option, where each contact is entered using copy/paste.

Regardless of the input method chosen, some contacts should now be visible.

Example of using embedded code for collecting email addresses

As Mailchimp is an extensive service with many options we’ll explain in subsequent parts, now we’ll demonstrate how to connect it to two projects already described here:

How to make a website on Google Sites?

Create your online web shop on Payhip.

Form Creation

To share the code, we must first create a form.

It will be a simple signup form.

Let’s go to ´Audience > Sign up forms > Embedded forms´.

mailchimp audience signup forms> embeded forms

A new screen will display a pre-made contact signup form.

subscribe form preview

Additional fields

Apart from the email address, you can select additional fields to gather information like name, surname, address, phone number, or birthday.

Just enable them on the left panel.

form fields

Each field can contain modified text in another language and helper text for user understanding.

form fields options

If you wish, in the options, you can select whether data entry in a field is mandatory, and enabling this option will display a red asterisk (set as required) next to that field.

At the bottom, below the entry field, there’s an option related to GDPR.

These are new rules allowing individuals to prohibit the use of their private data by a third party, in this case, Mailchimp.

To comply with the laws, it’s advisable to enable this option.

enable GDPR field

Form’s finished code

When satisfied with the form’s appearance, clicking ‘Continue’ will generate the code for your form.

finished form (code)

This code can be used on platforms that allow input of HTML code.

Transferring code to Google Sites

Open the webpage on Google Sites and select Insert > Embed.

google sites embed

Click on ‘Embed code’ and paste Mailchimp’s code.

google sites embeded code

The same form will appear as the one we created.

finished embeded form on Google Sites

Of course, you’d use this option if the forms described there don’t suit your needs, or if you simply want to collect email addresses this way.

Connecting Mailchimp to another service using API key

Here, we will explain how to link Mailchimp to another service, using Payhip as an example. This service was described in the blog where we created a store for selling.

We’ll connect services through an API key specifically meant for this purpose.

On Mailchimp, go to the main page, left to our logo (if you haven’t entered your logo, it’ll show just the initial letter of your name).

select api key

Open Profile > Extras > API key.

Here, you’ll see no active key yet.

profile extras api key

So, using the ‘Create a key’ button, generate one.

Finally, the generated key will be a string of multiple characters.

Mailchimp generated API key

Now, log into Payhip, and under options, select Mailing Lists> Setup Mailing Lists.

Payhip marketing mailing lists

Among the options, choose MailChimp.

Payhip setup mailing lists

To complete the connection of the two services, you need to enter the key you generated.

add API key for Mailchimp service

This way, you can link multiple stores and services to gather email addresses in one place, but a new API key must be generated for each.


This post was a bit lengthy, and connecting various services is somewhat technically complex because we wanted to immediately demonstrate practical usage by utilizing the applications described here.

We’ll describe creating forms, campaigns, email templates, and even crafting landing pages for, for instance, affiliate marketing in the following parts.

MailChimp alternatives

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