Foap: Earn Money by Selling Photos

What Is Foap?

Foap is a service that acts as an intermediary between large companies in need of photos and videos and individuals who can create these works.

Foap logo

It primarily focuses on mobile devices, making it accessible to everyone.

Read more about the registration and how the service works below.

How Does Foap Work?

Foap offers a simple and user-friendly way to put your photos up for sale.

Here’s how it works:

Registration on Foap

When you access the Foap platform, you need to specify that you’ll be the creator, the person who sells the photos.

Foap register

You will need to provide your email address or sign up with Facebook.

Email Address Verification

You’ll receive an activation email at your provided email address, confirming that it belongs to you.

Foap activate your account

Password Entry

You’ll need to enter your password twice to confirm that there are no errors in the input.

foap password imput

By clicking the “Activate Now” button, you’ll complete the registration.

Although these steps can be bypassed by activating through a Facebook account, for some reason, this activation method didn’t work.

Installation of the Mobile App

If you haven’t already, you need to download the Foap mobile app.

download foap mobile app

After installation, everything will continue through the app on your mobile device.

foap mobile aplication

How Does Foap Work?

The Foap app functions in four different ways:

1. Regular Foap Missions

Regular Foap missions usually require specific products in the photos or videos.

Rewards range from $50 to $200.

These missions typically have only one winner.

Your photos can be bought in regular missions for $10 each, while in exclusive missions, their price can go up to $60.

It’s important to note that you share your earnings with Foap on a 50/50 basis.

foap pictures

2. Premium Missions

Premium missions need to be unlocked in the app using Foap coins.

You can earn coins by watching video ads in the app or simply purchasing them on the Foap website.

Premium missions can have multiple winners, up to 60 winners per mission.

These missions don’t require specific products in the photos and have prizes that can reach $2000.

3. Defined Missions

Defined missions are designed to allow you to receive products at no cost other than your creative contribution.

You can choose which brands you want to collaborate with and which items you want to receive.

So you get a brand’s product in exchange for your photos.

Uploading Your Photos

You upload all your photos to your profile, give them titles, add tags, and wait for someone to notice and buy them on the Foap marketplace.

The price of a single photo is up to $10, and you split the money with Foap on a 50/50 basis.

So, for a photo sold for $10, you get $5, and the other $5 goes to Foap.

Uploading Others’ Photos

Yes, this option exists.

Add other users’ photos to your album and wait for someone searching for a specific photo to find it in your album.

For each photo you added that gets purchased from the album you created, you receive $0.25.

Foap on mobile

Advantages of Using Foap

Foap offers several advantages for photographers and buyers:

  • Global Market: Your photos can reach a wide audience worldwide, allowing you to share your creative work with different cultures and target groups.
  • Ease of Use: The platform is easy to navigate and use, making the process of uploading photos and earning money simple and intuitive.
  • Additional Income: Even if you’re not a professional photographer, Foap allows you to earn extra income by selling your photos.
  • Diverse Image Selection: Buyers have access to a wide variety of images on different subjects and styles.
  • Social Component: Foap has a community of photographers where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share advice and inspiration, and get new ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions


I believe that Foap goes a step further than typical photo-selling services.

I also think that anyone can find something for themselves here.

Soon, there will be similar services for various other purposes.

Recommended Reading

ClickASnap Gallery and Photo Sales

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