Join Amazon Associates: A Guide to Boosting Your Income

What Is Amazon?

Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer and provider of internet services, originally started as a company for online book sales.

Over time, Amazon has evolved into an internet business focused on e-commerce, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence (AI) services.

You’ve probably already purchased various products through Amazon.

But do you know you can become an associate on Amazon?

What Are Amazon Associates?

Amazon Associates is a program where you can earn commissions from sales made through links to

What Are the Benefits of Becoming an Amazon Associate?

Becoming an Amazon associate is an excellent way to earn money online.

As an associate, you’ll be able to sell products on Amazon.

You’ll also earn a commission on the sales you generate.

How to Become an Amazon Associate?

Here, we will describe the complete process from application to how to obtain products for promotion.


The first thing you’ll need to do is register.

You can start the registration process here.

You need to enter your name, email address, and password (enter it twice), and, of course, agree to the terms of use.

amazon registration

You’ll receive an email to confirm that the address belongs to you.

Right from the start, you’ll be informed about product categories and the commission rates based on the category.

amazon niches

Phone Number Verification

Like on all serious services, you’ll need to specify your country’s dialing code and your mobile number.

amazon add mobile number

You’ll receive a code on your mobile phone that you need to enter in the provided fields.

Entering Account Information

Here, you’ll need to enter the recipient’s name for payment, either yourself or your company, along with the address, city, state, and postal code.

enter account information

We recommend that you fill in these details accurately because they will be used during payment.

You’ll also need to provide the address of your website (or multiple websites) if you have one.

add your website or mobile application

Website And Mobile App List

This is the second round of entering general profile information, where you need to select the name that will represent your profile and will be visible on all the links you create.

amazon profile continue

On the same panel, you’ll see the websites you entered earlier, and you’ll need to describe their themes and assign them to specific categories.

Amazon profie second part

You’ll also need to specify the product categories you want to promote and the type of website you’ll be using.

Traffic & Monetization

Here, you’ll need to provide some basic information about how you advertise your website, how you generate income through it, monthly traffic, and the reasons for joining Amazon’s associate program.

Amazon traffic and monetization

We recommend that you fill in these details accurately, especially the ones about the number of users on your website.

Since we were already signed up on Amazon as a buyer, you might need to provide additional information about your payment method and taxes.

After submitting your associate application, it will take a few days to receive a response at your email address.

How to Obtain Affiliate Links?

If everything went smoothly, and you were accepted as an associate, whenever you search for products on Amazon’s online store, you’ll have the Site Stripe option in the top left corner.

Amazon site stripe option

Clicking on the Site Stripe option will take you to your associate account to view analytics.

You can obtain your promotion link by clicking on the Get link > Text option.

Amazon site stripe

Link Download Options

Links can be in the form of text, images, or text with images.

Text link

By clicking on the text option, a window will open where you can get the classic link. It can be a shortened or full link.

We recommend using the shortened link.

Amazon text link

You can insert this link on your blog, for example, when describing some types of products, and then recommend your product and insert the link you received.

Image link

Under the Image option, you can find a product image.

You can choose the image size depending on where you intend to use it.

On the right side, you’ll see how the image will look.

Amazon image link

As you can see in the image, a code will be generated at the same time.

You take that code and insert it on your website.

Clicking on the image will activate your link, and if the person makes a purchase, you’ve already earned something!

Image and Text Link

Here, you’ll have a code that contains an image, description, price, and a purchase option.

Amazon text +image link

You’ll use this option if you have your website.

Here you can see an example of how it looks.

Of course, these are not all the options.

You can also advertise Amazon using banners (similar to ads that you embed on your website) and many other ways that we’ll have to leave for the next part.


Whenever you access the Amazon Associates service, the first thing you’ll see is analytics.

Amazon associates analytics

It will show you how many times someone has clicked on your link and whether they’ve made a purchase.

You can also access analytics under the Reports section, where you’ll find many other options.

What actions are prohibited for you?

Even though in many places they explain that you can take a picture of the product, provide a short description, and then add a link, this is not allowed according to Amazon’s rules.

Similarly, advertising specific products through email marketing is not allowed, but you can advertise a page that leads to the products.

The same applies to social media ads and paid ads.

This is because Amazon does not want to create competition for itself.

It is strictly forbidden for you as an associate to buy products through your promotional links.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that the terms and conditions of the Amazon Associates program may change, so it is important to review the latest program policies and guidelines on the Amazon Associates website for the most up-to-date information.


Becoming an Amazon associate can provide you with a steady income.

The commission may not be substantial, so you need to focus on selling a larger number of items.

If this seems too limited to you, in our previous articles, you can read about similar services that may offer you higher earnings.

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