How to Get Started on Remotasks: A Complete Guide

You’re probably aware of how much artificial intelligence has advanced and is used in various aspects of our lives.

But have you ever wondered who teaches it and how it learns what it needs to do?

Do you want to get involved in teaching artificial intelligence?

You can do this on the Remotasks platform, which is designed precisely for this purpose.

Let’s start from the beginning.

What is Remotasks?

Remotasks is an online task platform focused on developing technologies related to artificial intelligence (AI), neural networks, and machine learning.

Remotasks logo

It allows users to work on simple tasks and earn money.

Remotasks was founded by Scale AI, a company based in San Francisco that helps accelerate AI applications by providing human-driven data (Wiki).

It is also part of Scale Labs, founded by Alexandr Wang.

What earnings can you expect?

As for earnings, payment for each task on Remotasks can vary, but on average, you can expect to earn between $1 and $3 per hour.

Some tasks, like audio transcription, pay between $1 and $2 per hour.

One user claims to have earned over $1,000 in a week using Remotasks, but this information couldn’t be verified.

It’s important to note that your earnings will depend on the number of available tasks, your speed and accuracy, as well as the type of tasks for which you qualify.

Remotasks sign up

The registration process is straightforward, requiring you to enter your name, email address, and password.

Here is a brief explanation on the YouTube channel about what the Remotasks platform actually is.

Remotasks introduction

You can also register using your Google or Facebook account.

The only thing you need to be careful about during any type of registration is ensuring your email address is correct.

remotasks sign up

Through this email, you’ll confirm that it belongs to you, and you’ll also receive payments to your PayPal account via this email.

Although this wasn’t previously necessary, all new Remotasks members now need to undergo a double verification process using a mobile phone number.

phone number verification

Enter your phone number in the field, then enter the code you receive in a text message on your mobile.

Passing the entry tests

After creating your account, the platform will guide you to your first course.

Although the title “Flamingo Taxonomic Classification” may not mean much to you, it involves simply categorizing items into categories.

Remotasks passing the course

In this particular case, it’s about sorting items according to their purpose.

Everything will be explained in the following sections.

Each test consists of several smaller parts, each lasting about 60 seconds.

It takes about 20 minutes to complete them all.

After each lesson, you’ll be asked a question to confirm that you understood what was required of you.

Example of Lesson 1

course instructions

In this specific lesson, you will be asked to categorize a particular product into a certain category.

Under the Product link, you’ll need to open the link in a new window to see what it’s about.

For example, if the provided link is for a women’s shirt, the category would be Clothing & Accessories > Women’s Clothing > Shirts.

There may also be a subcategory related to color and size.

If you accidentally categorized the product incorrectly, you can press Reset to return everything to the beginning.

Example of Lesson 2

In the second lesson, you’ll see what it typically looks like when you open a link and what’s described in the product description.

Remotasks instructions for the link verification course

Links generally lead to online stores where the products are located.

You’ll need to check whether the product is categorized correctly, whether the description is accurate, and whether you can open it at all.

Example of Lesson 3

In Lesson 3, it’s explained what to do if you get an error message—402 Access Denied (item not available)—when you click on the link.

Remotasks instructions if the link is not correct

If it’s impossible to classify an item based only on its name (this time without an image), you must indicate this by activating the checkbox.

Short test

After every two or three lessons, you’ll be asked a question to see if you understood the lecture.

Remotasks knowledge check

In this specific test, the question was whether you would mark the product according to the image as impossible to categorize?

The answer is yes because the page linked to wasn’t found, and from the additional product name, we can’t figure out what it is, so we can’t categorize the product into any category.

After several lessons and tests, you’ll have a final test, completing your training in that category.

Don’t worry; final tests can be repeated until you answer the questions correctly.

You need to pass tests in four different categories to get paid tasks.

From time to time, you’ll receive new tests that will open up new tasks for you.

Preparing tasks for artificial intelligence

Many tasks involve preparing and annotating images for artificial intelligence.

Remotasks box anotation
Remotasks poligon anotation

To give you an idea of what it’s about, the image shows the annotation of a car silhouette.

Various objects in the image are marked with lines, squares, and polygons as precisely as possible, and what is marked is described.

This is just a small example, and due to the extremely extensive topic, a more detailed description isn’t possible here.

Slack network

The Slack community is a type of internal network launched by Remotasks.

Remotasks Slack network

You can join this network by entering your basic information.

Remotasks Slack network members

If you need help, you can always contact one of the members.

Active members online are marked with a green dot on their profile picture.

Scoring system

The platform also has a motivational scoring system.

After completing a certain number of tasks, you earn Remopoints.

If you collect enough points weekly, you can apply to move up to a higher category.

Remopoints scoring system

A higher category brings higher earnings and faster reviews of completed tasks.

Remotasks reward system

Members in the elite category can also count on additional rewards.

Remotasks Bootcamp Training

If you still don’t understand how to complete certain tasks, you can sign up for an online lecture.

Remotasks bootcamp training

You need to enter your basic information, and you’ll receive details about the lecture timing via email.

Remotasks Payment

Payments can be made via PayPal or AirTM.

You can request a payment at the end of the workweek.

Remotasks payment

The platform’s analytics are excellent, allowing you to see at any moment how much you’ve earned, how much you’ve withdrawn, and whether your completed tasks have passed review or not.

The only downside of this platform has been periodic slowdowns.

When a large number of users join, the platform can slow down significantly.

Frequently Asked Questions


Remotasks can be a good way to earn extra money.

The only question is how much time and effort you want to invest.

The higher the category you complete and the more complex the tasks, the greater the earnings.

It’s important, of course, to complete tasks without mistakes.

A small amount will be offered for taking the entry tests.

The entry tasks described here may be slightly different because they are constantly changing and being supplemented with new ones.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below.

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